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What Is Residential Dock Construction ?

Residential dock construction is the process of building a dock out of wood, metal, or plastic to provide a place for boats or other watercraft to dock. A residential dock can be used for boating, fishing, swimming, and more. 

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There are many factors to consider when planning a residential dock. The type of material used, the size and shape of the dock, and the location are all important considerations. Residential docks can be built in any location that is accessible by water. Popular locations include lakes and rivers, as well as coastal areas. 

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The type of material used for residential docks depends on the environment in which it will be used. Wooden docks are popular for coastal areas because they are strong and weather resistant.

Metal docks are popular for lakefront properties because they are lightweight and rust free. Plastic docks are popular for indoor use because they are waterproof and easy to clean. 

Construction of a residential dock typically begins with a consultation with an experienced dock builder. From there, the dock builder will create a plan for the dock based on the specifications of the client. 

The dock builder will then work with the client to choose the appropriate material and specifications for the dock. Construction of a residential dock typically takes between two and four weeks.