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Why Getting Professional Teeth Cleaning Is Important

A moist and warm oral environment is very conducive to the growth of bacteria and can manifest in several ways. Plaque is a film that forms on your teeth with a colony of bacteria in your mouth.

These plaques produce acids that can damage teeth and gums. If plaque is not removed at the time, colonies of bacteria will calcify, and they are then mineralized into a very tough substance called tartar; this attracts even more bacteria. You can also look for a dentist to get teeth cleaning in Bend via

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The bacteria that are in an active state causes destructive gum disease called gingivitis. If this condition is not treated in time, it leads to periodontitis.

Type Teeth Cleaning

Regardless of how regular you are in your dental hygiene, the plaque has a way of forming on the teeth for some time. It's best to get your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist at least twice a year.

Not many people are aware that there are various types of professional tooth cleaning, such as:

• Prophylaxis – This type of tooth cleaning removes plaque built-up that you will not be able to remove with regular brushing at home. This process includes polishing teeth.

• Reduction of gingival bacteria – In this professional cleaning, laser light is used to kill bacteria in the infected gum pockets in the mouth. This will be done in combination with the cleaning process is used to treat gingivitis (Puffy, red and bleeding gums)

• Periodontal maintenance – If you have been treated for periodontal disease, you should go to special, professional teeth cleaning every week.

As you can see, there are various types of professional tooth cleaning. Your dentist will ensure the type of cleaning you need and the amount of your check will require per year.