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What is the Work of a Web Developer?

Web development includes various technologies. It is like a craft. The core responsibility of a web developer is to provide the client with an excellent website. You can get the supreme website design in San Antonio via

For knowledge, we would like to tell you that there is a difference between a web designer and developer.  The roles of the designer and developer overlap but the designer rarely has any information about the coding of the website.

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A web developer does a lot of work when he gets the contract for making a website. He takes a lot of time before writing the coding. He does planning and analysis of the client’s work. He also takes care of all the needs of the client. If the client requires that this website should work in a certain way then the developer will offer him exactly the same work. 

After analysis and planning the developer will start developing the website. Most of the developers work with Javascript, HTML, CSS, NET, and PH. We would include that there is no such thing as a pure HTML developer. Various technologies are used to make a website. 

After making the website, testing is really important. If there is an error in the website then it has to be corrected before the launch of the website.