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What Do You Know About Autism in San Jose?

Autism is a mental condition that has become more common in recent decades. It's characterized by behaviors like difficulty in making eye contact, a tendency to be overly sensitive to stimulation or sounds, trouble with social interactions and being restricted from taking in meaningful input from the outside world.

Autism is a neurological disorder characterized by difficulties in communicating, interacting with others, and developing normal social routines. You can also know more about it online. While autism may vary from person to person, the symptoms typically include difficulties with verbal and nonverbal communication, intense focus on certain objects or tasks, repetitive behaviors, and restrictive interests.

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term that refers to a group of disorders characterized by problems with social communication and repetitive behaviors. These problems can cause significant challenges for individuals and their families. While the cause of autism is still unknown, it is believed to be inherited in some cases.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Learn more about the symptoms and how to identify them in your children. Autism is one of the most common developmental disabilities, affecting 1 in 68 children.

Autism is a spectrum disorder that most often affects people in the early years of their lives. It has become a topic that many parents are questioning, especially because they may not know what to do or how to act when they see signs of it. Autism is a cognitive disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others.