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Understand The Different Types Of Car Batteries

Car batteries are essential components of automobiles. They provide the energy to start the engine, and they keep the car running while the engine is off. Understanding the different types of car batteries can help you make an informed decision when choosing one for your vehicle.

Lead-Acid Car Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are the most common type of car battery, and they are suitable for most vehicles. They are rechargeable and relatively inexpensive. They are made up of lead and sulfuric acid, and their performance can be affected by extreme temperatures.  If you want to buy high quality car batteries, then you may navigate to this site

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AGM Batteries

Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) batteries are also rechargeable, but they are more expensive than lead-acid batteries. They are made of fiberglass mats that absorb the electrolyte, and they are sealed which makes them spill-proof and allows them to be mounted in any position. AGM batteries provide a higher level of performance, and they are more resistant to extreme temperatures.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are the newest type of car battery. They are lightweight and can store a large amount of energy, making them ideal for electric and hybrid vehicles. They are more expensive than other types of batteries, but they can last up to three times longer.

Gel Cell Batteries

Gel cell batteries are similar to lead-acid batteries, but they are made with a gelled electrolyte instead of a liquid. This makes them spill-proof and more resistant to vibration and extreme temperatures. They are more expensive than lead-acid batteries, but they have a longer lifespan.