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Tips to Create a Pet-friendly Plant Collection

office in Melbourne plant hire

Love having plants at home? But worried about your pets not going well with them? Things can go challenging with both babies, you need to be extra careful when you have both at home.

Here are a few tricks that can help keep your pets away from potted plants.

Get Prickly

Pets don’t like being pricked just like us humans. But installing a variety of prickly friends in the garden can help keep the furry friends away. You can use rough gravel and pinecones scattered across the area for the least. Doing this will keep the curious noses and paws out of the garden space.

Coir Blimey

If you don’t like to make the soil spikey, you can install a mat that does the job. A lightweight coconut coir mat helps retain the soil and moisture while keeping the furry paws away. The use of natural coconut makes them eco-friendly and compostable. And it doesn’t cause a problem even if the pet gets hold of some fibres.

Smell You Later

This one is for sensitive pet noses. Since they hate the citrusy smells, you can use it to create a natural pet repellent. Take some lime or orange, cut slices, and scatter them in the plants or the garden. Diluted citrus oils and citrus sprays are other options to keep pets away. With a strong citrusy smell going through the nose, your pets will think multiple times before stepping close to the plants.

While the choice of plants can also matter, you can consult an office plant hire in Melbourne for the best advice.