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The Window Repair Process

1. First and foremost, if your window is broken or leaky, you will need to fix it as soon as possible. If the window is too damaged to be fixed, then you may need to replace it.

2. When choosing a contractor, make sure that they are licensed and insured. Ask for references, and check out their online ratings.

3. Once you have chosen a contractor, be sure to have them come out and give you an estimate for the repair. You will also want them to show you the damage and explain what needs to be done in order for the repair to be successful.

Window replacement oshawa: Here's What You Need To Know

 It's a simple process, but it can be overwhelming when you look into all the different options for windows and glass.

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We're here to help you save time and make sure you're making an informed decision.

Window Restoration Process

If you're in the market for a new window replacement, you'll want to be aware of the restoration process involved. First, your installer will measure and document the condition of your current windows. Next, they'll create a draft restoration plan with estimates for labor and materials. Finally, they'll carry out the work according to plan, ensuring that all edges and corners are clean and that the window frames and glass are properly aligned.