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The Role Of Non-Toxic Sterilization In Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infections

Today, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a major public health concern. They are responsible for an estimated one million deaths annually. As a result, it is essential for healthcare facilities to take steps to reduce HAIs. Hospital sterilization (Also called Strilisation hospitalire in the French language) is an important process in the healthcare industry that helps to prevent the spread of infections and diseases. 

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These sterilization technologies are designed to provide a safe, effective, and cost-effective way to sterilize medical devices and other materials used in healthcare settings. These technologies are designed to reduce the risk of HAIs by killing pathogenic microorganisms and preventing their transfer and growth.

These sterilization technologies can be used for a variety of applications, including sterilization of medical devices, surfaces, and even air. Some of the most common non-toxic sterilization technologies include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, hydrogen peroxide vapor, and ozone. UV radiation is particularly effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and spores. Hydrogen peroxide vapor is effective at killing microorganisms and is safe for humans, animals, and plants.

These sterilization technologies can be used in conjunction with traditional sterilization methods to further reduce the risk of HAIs. These sterilization technologies can be used to pre-sterilize surfaces prior to the use of traditional sterilization methods. This can help reduce the amount of time and resources required to complete the sterilization process.