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The Importance Of Wild Salmon

Salmon are an important part of the Alaskan landscape and culture. They are an iconic species and are a mainstay of many Alaskan fisheries. Salmon populations have been declining in recent decades, however, due to a variety of factors including habitat loss, parasites and disease, and fishing pressure.

In addition to their intrinsic value, salmon have a significant economic impact on the states they reside in. To find more about the Alaska seafood then visit

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For example, according to the National Fisheries Institute (NFI), Alaska’s wild salmon fisheries generated approximately $1.1 billion in 2014. This revenue supports jobs in both rural and urban communities, as well as industry sectors such as transportation, tourism, and food processing.

Given the importance of salmon to Alaska’s economy and ecology, it is essential that we continue to protect their habitats and promote sustainable fishing practices that will support these vital resources.

The salmon fisheries of Alaska are some of the most important in North America, and the state is home to some of the world’s best salmon fishing. The wild salmon of Alaska are some of the purest and most delicious in the world. 

Here, we’ll take a look at what makes Alaska’s salmon so special, and why you should consider fishing for them if you get a chance. Salmon fishing is an important part of Alaska’s culture and economy. More than 3 million people visit the state each year to enjoy salmon fishing, and the industry employs more than 10,000 people.