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Slate Roof Replacement and Repairs in Sydney

Repairing and replacing slate roofing is a very competitive business. Because of this, many foreign contractors entered the area to compete with local companies. The problem here is that they are less accessible once they pack up and leave.

When In need of roof replacement homeowners should instead turn their attention to the many fine local contractors. In this way, they can have the confidence of dealing with a best roof restoration company that has integrated itself into the community.


When seeking roof replacement customers should note that it is legal for contractors to lay the new roof on top of the old roofing surface as long as there are less than three layers. However, in light of the cost of a roof, it is advised that one not scrimp in any way. The benefits of a slate roof are long-term.

This is what helps offset the high costs. Barring an extraordinary event, slate roofs last forever, and they very rarely need repair. In the event that a problem has developed, it is very unusual that one would need a full slate roof replacement. This generally only occurs if there was an inferior initial install.

Homeowners that are considering a slate roof renovation should note that slate roofs do not qualify for the current Energy Star tax rebates for new roofs. Despite this, slate is a very energy-efficient material. Slate roofing contractors should always be evaluated on their previous work and certifications.