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Getting the Most from Calcium Supplements

Although a balanced diet is the best way to consume minerals and vitamins, some people prefer to take one or two "insurance policies" in supplement form. Calcium supplements are always available in the market! Here are some useful tips for users to narrow their choices and can buy from this website

Types of calcium deposits

Calcium carbonate is the cheapest and easiest option available. It contains the highest amount of calcium (40%), so fewer pills are needed to achieve the desired daily intake. This large amount of calcium is usually accompanied by a large pill. 

Chewed or liquid versions may be preferred for those who find the tablets are too large to swallow. Calcium carbonate must be consumed with acidic foods or drinks such as orange juice. 

For some intestinal complaints in the form of gas or constipation. If this happens to you, try increasing your fiber intake and drinking more water. If that doesn't work, then try to use calcium citrate.

calcium carbonate usually costs a little less than Calcium citrate and is not easy to find, but is generally a very good choice. Calcium citrate contains less elemental calcium (21%) but is better absorbed than calcium carbonate. 

Acid and can be consumed on an empty stomach at any time of the day! If you use acid blockers for digestive disorders, acid reflux, or other intestinal disorders, calcium citrate may be the best choice for absorption.