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What Happens To Mercaptan in LPG?

Mercaptans are a byproduct of LPG and can be found in concentrations from 1-10% depending on the type of LPG. Mercaptans are harmful to the environment and human health, so it is important to remove them before using LPG. There are many ways for removal of natural gas mercaptan from lpg, but it is a massive investment. 

The most common way to remove mercaptans is by distillation. This process heats the gas until it distills off the mercaptans, which can take up to 48 hours. However, this method is only effective for gasses with high levels of mercaptans. Another method is adsorption, where molecules bind to the mercaptan and are then eliminated. This process is more effective for lower concentration mercaptans, but it also requires more energy. 

It is difficult to know which method is best for a specific gas, so it is important to consult a professional. Depending on the level of mercaptan present, removing them may be worth the investment. 

Health Effects of Mercaptans

Mercaptans are known to cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract. This is because they can irritate the airways and make it difficult for people to breathe. In order to stop this reaction, many people wear masks designed to trap mercaptan molecules in their lungs. Others may choose to stay indoors until the mercaptan level goes down, as ozone can worsen symptoms upon exposure.