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Laser Hair Treatments – How Do They Really Work?

While laser hair removal is a good method of treatment for many people, marketing and advertising claims often do not provide an accurate reflection of the facts and the science behind it.

Laser hair removal should be considered the best method for hair treatment in Australia to reduce unwanted hair. While some patients get a high percentage of permanent hair reduction, the concept of permanent and complete abolition of the hair is fake. Biology of hair growth and ways of working laser beam makes it very difficult to achieve. 

Thinking of laser hair removal? Here's what you need to know

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Not all hair responds well to laser. Due to the higher energy of the laser beam, it is required to pass through the pigment in the skin, there is a slightly higher risk of skin burns and irritations.

Laser hair reduction requires a series of treatments to be effective. Because laser hair just will cripple in an area that is really growing less than 10% of your hair in any area actually active at a time. A series of treatments over time is needed. The general rule is that it will take five or six treatments to get the best results. 

Lair hair treatments are painless. The laser beam is heat treatment and did not like having a massage or manicure. While lasers currently have a cold method to cool the skin during treatment, a topical anesthetic is needed. For this reason, laser hair appointment may require an hour or more in the first half into the application of creams numb and then the time to let it work.

Long-term maintenance treatment may be needed in many cases. Hair that was initially suppressed by the laser treatment can be activated at a later date with hormonal changes or medications that one can take. While this seems contradictory to the way most people think laser works on the hair. The fact is that the laser changes the hair growth cycle and teach to grow differently.