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Evaluating the Soil of Your Land

The soil test or evaluation report examines and specifies the quantity of organic matter in the soil and also the amount and types of germs and other microscopic organisms present. 

Soil Chemistry Testing:

A soil test report will help you decide the overall feel, attributes of your own soil and offer you important information. This will let you learn what valuable nutrients are in your land, and also what microorganisms are there to assist or hinder your plants' growth.

For quite thorough soil investigation with written recommendations and interpretation, contact a professional laboratory that does soil testing.  If needed, check a qualified landscape professional for assistance with soil testing.


While sending a sample of your soil for testing assess for thatch layer depth, particle size, and distribution, compaction, and topsoil thickness. And take more than 3-4 samples because the chance of error is always there.

Sample soil shouldn't be removed from the surface but approximately six inches deep and uniform samples all around the area ought to be taken to ascertain the precise pH. 

What happens below ground is hidden we mainly determine what we see above ground. The understanding of fundamental soil conditions is vital to appropriate cultural conclusions and practices. Hence, soil testing is needed after regular intervals as healthful soil grows healthy plants.