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Useful Tips Related To Glass Pool Fence Installations In Sydney

Glass pool fence certainly increases the safety, as well as the looks of your poolside area and not to mention that it has a huge role to play in increasing the property's resale value. All other things are on one side, but one thing that remains primary is the safety that cannot be compromised in this type of fencing, a huge responsibility is on the shoulders of the glass used in glass pool fence installations.

Therefore, you need to choose very carefully and take into account the following points when choosing:

It must meet Australian standards

According to well-known glass pool fencing providers, the first step is to ensure that the glass you choose or offer meets Australian standards. Sydney Frameless Glass can provide safe and secure pool fencing installations in Sydney.

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Yes, the fact is that the federal government has developed several laws and regulations that must be followed when installing glass pool fencing.

If you follow these laws and standards, you ensure that the safety aspects are properly positioned and that the glass used is the most stable.

Glass panel thickness

The very important thing to consider when choosing is the thickness of the glass as it is thicker and safer.

With this in mind, pool fencing experts say that the general options offered to vary between 6mm and 12mm, but there is also the option of getting custom pool fence glass panels.