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Food Photography: What makes people share all the Food Photos

In the past, people would pray before eating, but nowadays one should never eat at all unless food is captured and shared online. This is funny, isn't it? However, whether we believe that or not it's real and applies to people of all walks of life. 

The various social media appearing on the Internet are responsible for this type of fashion that gives ideas come from business people as well as marketers and developers. Indeed, the influx of food photos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other Social Media platforms makes a massive impact not only on individuals but on a lot of companies too. 

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Image Source: Google

It is then examined by experts in the field of medicine to determine if there are mental motives behind posting food pictures on the Internet.

The reasons why people are drawn to food photography:

1. Have you heard of the phrase "A photo is worth more than a thousand words"? In lieu of sending a text message or telling your friend the delicious homemade salad you made was, snapping a photo of it is enough to make someone swoon over it. 

Although you may not actually taste the food, just looking at its delicious design is enough to let you know what it tastes like after you eat it.

2. Sharing photos of food that you ate for breakfast, lunch or lunch, or dinner may be a common way to go, however, if you look more deeply, it's evidently an expression of your showing how healthy or unhealthy you are with regards to your food choices.