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Dog Training in Chapel Hill – Everything You Need to Know!

Many people believe that dog training is hard. Many also believe that some dogs are simply not trainable. Both of these views are wrong. The truth of the matter is this: all dogs are trainable, and training a dog doesn't have to be hard work. Indeed, training a dog can be fun. It is of course true that some dog breeds are easier to train than others.

What we disagree with, however, is the assertion that there are dogs that can't be trained – because that is so untrue. What we venture to explore then, are some of the things you need to do, in order to get the training of your dog right.

Dog training in Chapel Hill at  includes Day School, Dog Training, Boarding, Grooming, and Pick-Up Shuttle Service. 

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Parameters for gauging success

You'll be deemed to have gotten the training of your dog right if you manage to pass on the essential dog skills to your pooch within a reasonable amount of time.

You'll further be deemed to have gotten the training of your dog right if you manage to the essential dog skills in an enduring way. This is to say, in other words, that you won't be regarded as having been very successful in training your dog if the pooch forgets the skills taught within a day.

Thus, in a nutshell, the parameters through which success in dog training can be gauged include:

– The duration of time expended in passing on the essential skills to the dog.

– The skills inculcated in the dog.

– How long the skills are retained by the dog.

Of course, if you are taking too long to pass on certain skills to the dog, if you are finding it impossible to inculcate certain skills in the dog, or if the dog keeps on forgetting skills taught to him or her, it doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't doing things well. You have to keep in mind that there are two variables at play here.

The first of those is your skill, aptitude, and dedication as a dog trainer. And the second of those is your dog's natural ability – against a background where some dog breeds seem to 'get' things faster than others.