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Solutions to Trauma: Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a therapeutic method that enhances the body's natural healing abilities and ultimately allows affected people to process difficult truths. This is one type of body work, other types include massage therapy, acupressure, and sports massage. The body makes use of physical contact to help the client recover.

Craniosacral therapy can be used as a complementary therapeutic modality along with other forms of trauma therapy such as CBT, EMDR, and somatic experiences. You can also browse around this website to get the information about the best craniosacral therapy centres in Santa Cruz.

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During the CST session, clients are asked about pre-existing symptoms and conditions before applying any medication to give the doctor a better understanding of the client's past.

Sessions usually last an hour with the client lying in a comfortable position. The practitioner first carefully places his hands on the client's body, perhaps starting with the legs, but with a focus on the skull and sacrum. They are considered a key element for access to the central nervous system (CNS).

An open-minded practitioner will listen with the intention of following the movements of the bones, fascia, and connective tissue. By engaging the body's connective tissue that surrounds each of the internal organs, doctors can encourage them to relax and release stored tension.

CST is fine, non-invasive and, according to the Upledger Institute, helps doctors "evaluate and improve the function of the craniosacral system – made up of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord."