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Dental Crowns A Great Way To Enhance The Looks & Quality Of Your Teeth

However, it is known that a dental crown or coping is a process that provides a layer on the teeth to restore their original shape. It works best in situations where dental fillings and other types of restoration procedures don't work as effectively. There are many different types of dental crowns, but porcelain crowns are the most popular because they are tinted to the color of the teeth and appear to have never been repaired to your teeth.

Often there are patients who require the use of a porcelain crown, but there are certain conditions that require the porcelain to blend with the metal crown. There are many reasons why people deal with dental crowns. This includes conditions such as a broken or broken tooth, root canals, fillings that give the appearance of a crack, and even cosmetic repairs. However, dental crowns in Weston MA & Wellesley MA for dental restoration is the best technique to improve your appearance.

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Crowns - Bonham Dental

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Dental crown placement usually involves two or more appointments, depending on the expertise of your dentist. The first visit is to get the exact shape or impression of the tooth. You will need to make a temporary wearable crown on your teeth for at least two weeks until your new crown is made and ready to use.

During your next visit, your dentist will inject the appropriate dose of anesthetic to numb your tooth and the surrounding area. Your teeth will be cleaned of tooth decay and shaped in a way that makes them suitable for a new crown. Temporary cement is used to hold the crowns that have formed in place and their biting ability is checked. During the second visit, the temporary crown was removed and a new crown was installed.