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Mindfulness for Beginners – Learn The Most Important Key Teachings

Introducing the practice of mindfulness into your everyday life can be very transformative, from the way you tie your shoes in the morning to the way you communicate with the people you care about. Mindfulness is the practice of witnessing what is happening and mindful communication helps people prevent misunderstandings and conflict.

Mindfulness for Beginners - Learn The Most Important Key Teachings

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It is a way to focus our full attention on the present moment reality so that we can live in a state of clarity and balance, not distraction and distress.

Be careful, there are formal and informal practices. The official practice is meditation, where you sit still with your back straight for a few minutes, just follow the cycle of breathing, and observe all the phenomena that occur from time to time, without judgment or attachment. This practice is carried out in sheer silence, without a tendency to be distracted.

The goal, therefore, is to carry on this practice for the rest of your day so that you are awake all the time about what's going on. Even tying shoes will be a very interesting event if we take good care of them.

When you think about it, most of the moments in our lives are filled with worldly events that we can easily ignore or reject because they don't deserve our attention or attention.

From the point of view of attention, this is a great tragedy, because life is full of small moments and subtle nuances that can flow into the quality of ordinary magic – if we pay attention.