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Braces Treatment: A Guide To Orthodontic Care

Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy smile, and orthodontic care is an important part of this. Braces treatment, also known as orthodontic care, is a way to straighten teeth and improve your smile. It can also help reduce teeth grinding and jaw pain, as well as improve the alignment of the jaw and bite. 

Braces are made up of brackets and wires that are attached to the teeth. The brackets and wires are tightened or loosened to move the teeth, and as the teeth move, the jaw and bite also become aligned. Aligner’s treatment in Clawson can take anywhere from one to two years, depending on the complexity of the case. 

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Benefits of braces treatment 

The most obvious benefit of getting braces treatment is an improved smile. Straight teeth can make a person look more attractive and confident. 

Orthodontic care can also help improve the alignment of the jaw and bite, which can reduce teeth grinding and jaw pain. Braces can also help with speech difficulties and eating issues. 

Types of braces 

There are several types of braces available for braces treatment. The most common type is metal braces, which are made of stainless steel and are the least expensive. 

Ceramic braces are also available, which are made of clear or tooth-colored material and are less visible than metal braces. Lingual braces are another type of braces, which are hidden behind the teeth. Invisalign is a newer type of brace that uses clear aligners to move the teeth.